Friday, May 23, 2008

homegrown... and we are not talking kids.

so well... these hamburger buns are not home grown but they are made from scratch. wendy i want to thank you for making me think that i can accomplish many a different task. earlier this year i conquered home made pizza crust. in doing so i re-realized how much better made from scratch things are. the buns are to die for. i have never, never had a bun taste so good. now that i think i have my problem of killing yeast behind me, i hope for many another baked good thing to come from kitchen.

yummmmm, we managed to find four ready to pick strawberries this morning. i have been fighting the birds from the beginning of the week. they like the berries as much as i do. i have a net and now i have added chicken wire and some wood planks. i think there might be a full out war if they do not leave them alone. one thing is for sure, all the waiting and longing will pay off. rozella allowed me to have one of her two strawberries and although small... it was oh so good.

another good thing, is our patch of garlic. making my homemade pizza and sauce yesterday i need some garlic and although the hubby thinks that it should be harvested in july... i went ahead and pulled one head up. it was ready enough to use, and so comes the end of buying one more thing at the store.

well, heres to a wonderful holiday ushering in summer weekend.