Saturday, March 8, 2008

out being creative

so, the hubby usually allows me to take Saturday and either go thrifting or to the art center and paint. of course it being the only time i am not around my kids, i have to take it. although, i would love to trek all the way to amarillo, to see what goodies i might find... gas is $3.15 a gl. and since we are watching all the pennies, i decided to paint. i will have to post at a later time of the newest finished pieces. actually at this moment i am giving them a bit more time to dry before packing up and heading home. i have hit a wall and well, it is time to stop for the day, at least on this one project. last night i transplanted my little starts to flats. lets see, out of a whole packet of lavender seeds, i only had 4 starts. those are some tough plants to start. my black eye susans will be in abundance though. well it is hard to believe that next weekend is Easter. Spring has to be right around the corner. well i hope you all have a wonderful weekend.